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ESOS Enforcement Notice - Don't Panic

So the enforcement notices are starting to fly out - to an estimated 4000+ organisations yet to either engage at all with Phase 3 of ESOS or to complete their Notification of Compliance.

It isn't all doom and gloom.

I have now taken 7 late-comers through to their Notice of Compliance and have a further 3 very-late-comers to the party who will all now meet the new deadlines set by the EA and SEPA.

It is unknown whether a degree of leniency in terms of financial penalty will be shown by the EA to these organisations who have held up their hands, said sorry and started to do something about this in a timely fashion.

There are no guarantees but surely it is better to get this done and dusted rather than wait for the bad news to drop into your inbox.....£5,000 fine and £500 a day thereafter till compliance is achieved - and you still have to pay for an ESOS assessment.

Contact me for an uncomplicated chat about what can be done to clear the ESOS endline.

T: 07774 746616



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