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Save Energy Save Money
You Have The Power

Industrial / Commercial Energy Surveys

How do you actually know if your business wastes energy?  Trust me – it does.

If you run a business I would suggest that making sure energy is not being wasted should be pretty high on your list of day-to-day priorities. 

One problem many business owners face however is that saving energy is not your day job, not your speciality - where do you start?

I have spent the last 30+ years carrying out Energy Surveys across a diverse range of industrial and commercial organisations, determining where they can usefully reduce energy consumption and save money without negative impact - and in most cases with beneficial improvements in the working environment for staff and customers.


Waste of energy can occur for many reasons.  So I investigate the buildings you occupy, the installed energy consuming systems (heating and ventilation, air con, refrigeration, lighting, controls & industrial processes), human behaviour patterns, use of water, anything really that contributes to your energy costs -  and then I report my findings in a simply presented document written without the use of jargon which I discuss with you to generate an Action Plan.

My surveys are all completed in line with the European Standard on Energy Audits:  EN16247 and I operate to the Energy Institute Code Of Conduct.

Where appropriate I will also evaluate the potential for Renewable Energy in your business.  Is it feasible?  Will it show payback within a reasonable period?  Are there financial incentives from Gov't?

It is always worth stating that I am impartial - totally independent from any suppliers - I have no axe to grind nor vested interest – I am in business to save you money by saving energy and reducing carbon emissions.

Here is a quote from a happy customer – “Just to let you know following your report the water charges have ceased with even last years refunded – all this makes a great difference – until your report we had no idea!”  Julian Watson – Banff Castle.  

Saving energy represents a fantastic opportunity to reduce business overheads – and increase profits since making energy savings is generally much easier than, for example, generating new sales.

When you are well advised it is also low risk and comes with guaranteed return on investment.


You may even qualify for a free survey if you are based in Scotland.
As a Technical Consultant for Zero Waste Scotland I can work for you without charge provided you are a Scottish SME with a genuine interest in reducing your energy bills.

Save Energy Save Money
You Have The Power - proudly created with

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