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ESOS = Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme

Energy Savings Opportunities Scheme (ESOS)

Stewart is a Lead Assessor


I guess that if you are viewing this page you will know about Phase 3 of ESOS - or have been informed by the Environment Agency that you need to comply with ESOS - which is now past the official deadline and also the two extension periods - YOU SHOULD NOW HAVE SUBMITTED YOUR NOTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE - if you have not then you may soon be in receipt of a Compliance Enforcement Notice. 

This is not something to ignore - there are financial penalties for non-compliance - act now and call me (07774 746616) or email (


ESOS applies to UK organisations with >250 employees and/or turnover >£43M/year. 

If that describes you – you are eligible - barring a couple of exemptions outlined below.

ESOS is all about kWh - strictly speaking it has nothing to do with emissions - that is SECR - but of course they are all related and will lilkely be combined for Phase 4.


​I took 19 organisations through Phase 1,   23 organisations through Phase 2 and currently 37 through Phase 3 to officially accepted Notice of Compliance (also known as Submit to Regulator).


Don't worry about the info below - get in touch now - what lies below is background information - what's important is to get you compliant a.s.a.p.  - call me (07774 746616) - NOW


​ESOS requires eligible organisations to undertake 4 key steps to achieve compliance in each phase:

  • measure their total energy consumption (TEC) and identify areas of significant energy consumption (SECs).

  • conduct audits / site visits to identify cost-effective energy efficiency opportunities

  • sign off on a compliant report at Director level

  • report compliance to the scheme administrator.


There are pathways to exemption - for example certification to ISO 50001 - but despite my being a qualified 50001 Lead Auditor I am not finding much appetite for this approach at the moment because achieving certification just gets harder and harder – primarily due to the need for "continuous improvement" which can be prohibitively expensive - to say nothing of practically very difficult for many companies.

It is worth pointing out that the DEC (Display Energy Certificate) route to exemption from ESOS is NOT available in Scotland - DECs are very uncommon up here.


If you have been through Phases 1 and/or 2 you'll know that you should collate robust energy data which must include Transport energy.   


The latest consultation has seen a couple of changes that you should bear in mind:


  • the de minimis allowance (energy you do not need to audit) is now 5% - a move designed to improve the savings achievable within an organisation - a step forward I believe - well done Ofgem / BEIS

  • in line with SECR an Intensity Metric must be included (eg kWh/sqm for Buildings, kWh/unit or kWh/£turnover for Process and kWh/miles for Transport) - not sure why this wasn't integral from day 1 of ESOS - it certainly is in any reports I provide!

  • it is still not mandatory to have targets for improvement set and stated in the report - but we are assured this will be in Phase 4 and I include targets in all reports where they make sense for the client.

  • finally - there is a standard reporting format and certain components are mandatory such as inclusion of SIC codes so if you don't know your code you should find out sharpish. 


If any of this affects your company / organisation and you would like to discuss ESOS with an impartial professional - I am always happy to talk to prospective new clients.


You should know that as a one-man operation my fees are generally regarded as very competitive.


Contact me with any enquiries

Eligibility criteria for ESOS - proudly created with

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